Drawings and Plans On Files At LPC July 10, 2003

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P7100048-General Views P7100049-Midblock Apartment Buildings P7100050 Design Precedents P7100051- Plans Proposed Exterior Restoration Notes P7100051-Plans Proposed Exterior Restoration Notes Dup
P7100048-General Views.jpg P7100049-Midblock Apartment Buildings.jpg P7100050 Design Precedents.jpg P7100051- Plans Proposed Exterior Restoration Notes.jpg P7100051-Plans Proposed Exterior Restoration Notes Dup.jpg
P7100055 - Elevations Proposed Restoration P7100060-Proposed Work P7100061-Zoning Envelope July 1 2003 P7100062-shadow studies P7100066-Context Photos West 70th Street
P7100055 - Elevations Proposed Restoration.jpg P7100060-Proposed Work.jpg P7100061-Zoning Envelope July 1 2003.jpg P7100062-shadow studies.jpg P7100066-Context Photos West 70th Street.jpg
P7100067-Context Photos CPW P7100068-Context Photos Rear Yard P7100069- North Elevation July 1 2003 P7100070-Proposed East Elevation July 1 2003 P7100071-Proposed Site Plan July 1 2003
P7100067-Context Photos CPW.jpg P7100068-Context Photos Rear Yard.jpg P7100069- North Elevation July 1 2003.jpg P7100070-Proposed East Elevation July 1 2003.jpg P7100071-Proposed Site Plan July 1 2003.jpg

Drawings and Plans On Files At LPC July 10, 2003