Drawings and Plans On Files At LPC July 10, 2003

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P7100072-Proposed South Elevation July 1 2003 P7100073-Proposed Work P7100074-Proposed North Context Elevation P7100075-Sketch North Elevation P7100076-Existing Site Plan
P7100072-Proposed South Elevation July 1 2003.jpg P7100073-Proposed Work.jpg P7100074-Proposed North Context Elevation.jpg P7100075-Sketch North Elevation.jpg P7100076-Existing Site Plan.jpg
P7100077-Zoning Envelope June 25 2003 P7100078-Proposed Zoning Envelope P7100079-zoning envelope P7100080-first floor plan P7100081-Proposed South Elevation
P7100077-Zoning Envelope June 25 2003.jpg P7100078-Proposed Zoning Envelope.jpg P7100079-zoning envelope.jpg P7100080-first floor plan.jpg P7100081-Proposed South Elevation.jpg
P7100082-proposed west elevation P7100083-Fourth Floor Plan P7100084-West Elevation -Section-at Synagogue P7100085-Subbasement Floor Plan P7100086-Proposed Site Plan
P7100082-proposed west elevation.jpg P7100083-Fourth Floor Plan.jpg P7100084-West Elevation -Section-at Synagogue.jpg P7100085-Subbasement Floor Plan.jpg P7100086-Proposed Site Plan.jpg

Drawings and Plans On Files At LPC July 10, 2003