
Dedicated to the preservation of New York City's historic landmarked West 70th Street and
protection from the incursion of an inappropriate condominum tower at the Shearith Israel Synagogue site.

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To be updated.

See the Proceedings Page for 2007-2008 Transcripts.




Transcripts of LPC Hearings re Congregation Shearith Israel:

November 26, 2002 Written Transcript

February 11, 2003 Written Transcript

July 1, 2003 Written Transcript -AR-TI

December 9, 2004 Audio Transcript

November 15, 2005 Audio Transcript

January 17, 2006 LPC Audio Transcript

March 14, 2006, LPC Audio Transcript

The following BSA transcripts of the tapes were submitted to BSA by Freidman & Gotbaum on December 28, 2007

July 1, 2003 Written Transcript (submitted 12/28/07) Nationwide Tape 1 Side A-237 Pages. Starts Page 28.

December 9, 2003. Tape 2, Side 1 29 pages.

November 15, 2005 103 Pages

January 1, 2006 57 Pages

March 14, 2006 38 Pages





We apologize as to the quality of the audio files. The recordings provided by the Commission are unbelievable in their lack of quality, as well as he frequent failure to identify speakers. Copies are provided by LPC via cassete tape to the public, and the quality of the transfer is itself poor. Noise reduction was required which itself introduced artifacts.

If you believe, as we do, that the LPC should post the written and audio transcripts of major hearings on it web site, you should write to Chair Tierny and also to Mayor Bloomberg.